Most of us don't realize how powerful we are
This year I have been experiencing huge shifts in my reality by internalizing and deeply understanding how much we create our own reality. Our thoughts, expectations and beliefs are energies that keep shaping our World in each moment. It has been an unbelievable process - I have felt extremely guided, experiencing strong affirmations from the Light World when I am on the right path, receiving such clear messages and communication through all my senses, feeling the presence of my spirit family, being present in both Worlds at the same time.
I have also felt strong guidance to start teaching this to others. But how could I possibly do that?
We already know in the mind level that our thoughts are energy, that our beliefs shape our World, that we always receive experiences that we need in order to grow and learn. But why is it so hard to change the way we think, believe an expect? Teaching this in the mind level is not enough - inner shifts are required to find more trust, love and openness for the change.
One of the biggest inner shifts is to truly realize how powerful we are. We need to become aware of all the unnecessary and blocking energy that we keep carrying with us. We need to fall into trust that is almost out of our comfort zone. It can be scary to let the mind loosen it's grip.
We also need to allow our challenges without fear, surrender to the experiences that our ego wants to avoid as it perceives them as uncomfortable. Any resistance in us is an energetic block.
We must learn to ACCEPT our present moment with love no matter what is going on in our life. Shift happens in the present moment and resisting it is an energetic block.
We don't need to focus on protection, but we need to start trusting. We don't need to set boundaries with resistance but with love. We don't need to engage with other people's energies through reaction. The need to be heard or accepted by others keeps us under the control of their energy.
What we do need is to grow in our love and strength so that this becomes a shining frequency that radiates from us and shapes our reality.
