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Raise your Frequency!


As we know... happiness does not come from outside of us, but it is created within. If we expect that something in our life has to change in order for us be happy – well, we will be waiting for a very long time! But by tuning into what is blocking our happiness in our own thoughts, attitudes and expectations and changing that into expansion and love is what brings the change in our outer experience and reality.

Letting go of the need to be right, the need to be heard, accepted… Our happiness is not dependent on other people and external events – we have the power to change everything from within – just by changing the energy we vibrate, by growing in love and trust. And the magical part is - our World around us mirrors our frequency and changes accordingly!

When we have enough love within we are no longer dependent on trying to get it from outside of us. When we feel confident and compassionate in connection with the source we get less triggered by what happens around us. When we change our deepest beliefs the effects in our life experience are beyond logical mind’s comprehension.  

These changes are not necessarily easy but it is the small steps that take us there! It is the journey that counts – and our intention to get better and find clarity.

I am organizing a 3-part workshop in September where I intend to guide participants further on this journey.

Join me on explorations to find inner wisdom, new perspective and connection with your own unlimited power to change your reality.


Through discussions & guided meditation in a healing group energy field we tap into themes such as:

-        Letting go of limiting patterns

-        Shifting perceived life experience in the present moment

-        Taking responsibility for our own happiness

-        Changing relationships by changing the perspective of our own self

-        Finding deeper trust and confidence on our path

-        Connecting with our inner guidance, authentic essence and love power

-        Co-creating a new reality by recognition and choice

-        And many more…

Three sessions are offered at the beautiful Love & Peace Studio in Kitsilano, near Banyen Bookstore. You are welcome to join any 1, 2 or all 3 of these sessions.

Sep 11 - from 7pm – 8:15pm – Letting go of limitations

Sep 18 – from 7pm – 8:15pm – Shifting in the presence

Sep 25 – from 7pm – 8:15pm – Co-creating our reality

Address: Love & Peace Studio, 3586 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver

Investment: $31 / per session


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